Aaron Fernandez
Ms. Peifer 10 IB English
25 November 2008
Antigone Guilty or Innocent?
People of the court I plead with you to realize that Princess Antigone, is not guilty under any circumstance. She was merely trying to honor her brother and show a sing of respect toward him by giving him a proper burial. Any other man or woman would do the same and give a family member the right of a proper funeral. Creon made this law to try and suppress any rebellion, but does it seem just? Or does it seem unfair that Antigone should get punished for such a noble and loving deed. Shouldn't she be honored for being so brave and kind?
Eteocles and Polyneices are both brothers of Antigone, she should receive the right to give them both a proper burial. As she states to Creon, "His own brother, traitor or not, and equal in blood"( Fitzgerald, 824). She brings a point that both brothers are equal. They were both prince's and that they should both be honored not just one of them. Antigone is their sister and she was there for the mourning and the burial of Eteocles, she should also be allowed to be there for the burial of Polyneices. Ismene being the sister who was afraid of Creon and his law has now seen the truth. She has come to realize that her sister was right, and that she too wants to take part in her sister's "crime." Ismene says, "But now I know what you meant; and I am here To join you, to take my share of punishment"(Fitzgerald, 824). Ismene nor Antigone should be punished because this is a glorious deed.
Creon has made this law to protect his own power. He wants to reign over everything and believes in no mercy. "An enemy is an enemy, even dead"(824). He holds on to old grudges and is now taking it out on Antigone because she committed this act. He wants to show people his power and his strength. Creon is afraid of losing his power which concludes in him taking away the right that families have to bury their dead. Everyone wants to be able to send their loved ones to a better place, and Antigone is just trying to do the best she can. All of her family has died and she should have the right to bury whoever she wants.
Antigone isn't guilty, who are we to judge who we should bury and who we shouldn't? Why can't we let her decide if she wants to honor her family. Do not send this girl to her death because she did something that she believed is right, and that we in our hearts know is right. The Gods are the ones who decide if we should go to the underworld or not, what we should let everyone do is let them bury their family and friends, and send them to a better place. Antigone is being accused of burying her brother, and that is just unethical, and it should be honored and not looked down upon.
Works Cited
Sophocles. "Antigone." The Internet Classics Archive. Trans. R. C. Jebb. 04 Oct. 2000.
Classics.mit.edu. 25 October 2008.
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