jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

El Viaje to El Paso, TX

I went to El Paso, Texas for winter break, and I saw all of my family on my dad and mom's side.  On Christmas Eve I spent the time with my mom's side, and being of Mexican Heritage I had about six bowls of Menudo and they were delicious.  Then I had about seven different pieces of pie, and six breads of my choice.  Then I topped all off with some tamarindo and candy canes. Then my Tio Turi showed me how to drive, but my mom is unaware of that little part of my vacation.  So I guess I beat her this time (chuckle).
Then on Christmas Day I went with my dads side (which by the way he has ten siblings and only one bathroom imagine that), and then I had a quick mass because we are all Catholic and my uncle is a priest.  Then I pigged out for the second time.  I ate tamales, enchiladas, nachos, pan dulce,  a lot of soda, menudo, and some cake.  I really wasn't feeling good later that night, so I had to drink some Pepto- Bismol and everything became OK.  The next couple of days I just saw all my family then I saw the Dallas Cowboys take a disappointing loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, I was very depressed that night I almost cried myself to sleep.  
The night before I came back to the freezing cold of Minnesota (which I despise) I went to Juarez to visit some of my family and we had loud music and a pinata which by the way I had accumulated the most candy that anybody else.  The next day I came back to Minnesota (depressed), and I was pretty angry the whole trip, except when I was eating some cotton candy (which I stole from my sister's purse).  That was my winter break to El Paso Texas and I can almost assure you it was better than everyone elses (Once again I chuckle).

1 comentario:

Beto dijo...

Psshhhhh only six bowls of menudo?( laugh)
My tio was also the first to teach me how to drive. Did you learn manual or automatic shift?