Aaron Fernandez
10IB English
Ms. Peifer
March 3, 2009
2) Lady Macbeth is a strong willed woman, who comforts Macbeth when he commits the murder. She is the one who is running the operation. She tells Macbeth, "These deeds must not be thought After these ways; so, it will make us mad"( 2.2. 37- 38). She tells Macbeth that he shouldn't worry about anything, that they will go crazy thinking about it. The positive qualities she has is that she is very persuasive, and strong. The negative parts is that she forces Macbeth to do bad things. She also convinces him to do bad things by doubting his manhood. She tells Macbeth, " 'Tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil"(2.2. 58-59). She mocks him in order for Macbeth to do what she wants him to do.
3) Sleep a large image pattern in Act two. Macbeth, "' Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep'"( 2.2. 39-40). When Duncan is sleeping that is when he is killed. Macbeth feels like he will never sleep again because he disrupted someone's sleep. Macbeth is haunted by the fact that he killed someone. The importance of this quote was to show when Macbeth killed Duncan, and that Macbeth feels awful about what he has done.
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