martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

As You Like It LRJ#1

Aaron Fernandez
Ms. Peifer
10IB English 5th Hour
March 16, 2009

In Act 1 of As You Like It by Shakespeare there is a very prominent idea of Court versus Country.  Though it is not said directly to others, there are comments or conversations where the Court feels they are a better society than the Country.  The Court banishes people to the Country as an exile, and they see this as a major punishment.  They are false ideas that the Court has about those who do live in the Country, and the theme of Court versus Country, is a theme that will go on throughout the book.  The Court feels that the Country is a place of criminals, and bad people because that is where all the exiled are.  This theme gives the book a underlying conflict, that shows the personalities of the characters.  
La Beau is speaking with his friend Orlando, and says that Rosalind cannot be good -mannered because her father was banished, and he lives in the Country.  He says to Orlando, "Neither his daughter, if we judge by manners"(1.2.272).  This shows how the Court looks down upon what the Country does, that they cannot be well mannered because they live in the trees.  The people of the Country are seen as those who are but ill educated and who are not respectable in society.  Duke Frederick once again demonstrates that the Court believes exile to be of the worst because they have to live in the forest, he says, "So near our public court as twenty miles, thou diest for it"(1.3.45).  The Duke thinks that Rosalind will be so scared of the people that she will try to escape and come back to the Court.  He thinks that the people who live in the Country are savages, who do not deserve anything but the criminals who are exiled.  
Celia expresses the idea she has in her mind as people who live in the Country when she says, "I'll put myself in poor and mean attire, And with a kind of umber smirch my face"(1.3.117-118). She has this idea that the people in the Country wear beaten up clothes, and are not clean people, and that is why she is going to have to dress down, and look like a "forest" person.  
The theme of Court versus Country gives another conflict which at the end of the play will be solved.  The people who reside in the Court have a mental idea that the Country is an awful place that no on will ever want to go to, but in reality many who are exiled see it as liberty.

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

As You Like It LRJ #5

Aaron Fernandez
Ms. Peifer 
10IB English 5th Hour
March 16, 2009

In the final Act of As You Like It, people of the Court come to realize that there is nothing wrong with being form the Country.  That even if they are not Courtly educated in manners, and in education that it does not mean that the people in the Country are by any means inferior, or lesser beings.  They have realized that they are honest and modest people who try and live life to the fullest, with the most mannered lifestyle.  The people in the Court are falling in love with those who appear to be or are form the Country, like Celia, and Oliver, and Touchstone and Audrey.  They have formed a bond with those of the Country and now do not neglect the those who are form the Country.  Country versus Court was such an important theme throughout the entire play, but now that has faded away and become an alliance not a despise for one another.
Touchstone who criticized the Country for what seems like the entire play fell in love with one who is form the Country who is a shepherd.  He even looks upon those who have been brought up in the forest, and who take pride in being from there.  He first asks William, "Was born i' th' forest here?"(5.1.23).  Then he goes on to saying, "'Thank God' A good answer"(5.1.25).  Touchstone now realizes that he was being ignorant to those who lived in the Country, he finds himself liking those who are from there, he finds them interesting.  He sees the wrong it criticizing those who are form the Forest but now sees the wrong in his ways, and finds that there was nothing wrong with living in the Country that it was just a different was of living.  Those who do live in the Country are very proud to say so, and they see now that the Court has become more accepting of the Country people. 
Orlando now comes to realize that the people in the Country as well educated as those who are in the Court he even says that they are very wise, and knowledgeable.  He says to Duke Senior, "But, my good lord, this boy is forest- born And hath been tutored in the rudiments Of many desperate studies by his uncle"(5.4.31-33).  Orlando sees that Ganymede is very well mannered, and that in the end he has helped Orlando to be confident in his love to Rosalind.  Ganymede is seen as someone who is strong and that he is very wise, and that is why Orlando now sees the forest people as people who are helpful, and they are good people.
The people of the Court now have a new found love for those of the Country.  They see that they are not inferior but equals who just have a different way of life.  They see that there is nothing wrong with living in the forest, and that they are many good people who do live there.  Many of who they fall in love with.  The Court and the Country are not so opposed to much as when the play started, and that was Shakespeare's lesson to live in one's shoes before who criticize them, and to learn all there is to know about them before one goes on to judge.   

As You like it LRJ #4

Aaron Fernandez
Ms. Peifer
English 10IB 5th Hour
March 16, 2009

In Act 4 Shakespeare does not use the conflict that has been seen throughout the entire play, which is the conflict between Court and Country.  There are very little instances when it is brought up and the two sides are shown.  Oliver describes what the Country looks like, and Rosalind tells Jaques to be proud of where he is from, but there are few instances where there is a rivalry between Court, and Country in Act 4.  The theme has a played an important role throughout the play, but in this particular scene there is more love, and sibling bonding than rivalry.
 Rosalind hears that Jaques that he should not be sad, but be joyful because he is from the forest.  She thinks that he should be prideful because he is from there and that he should not show weakness, but show that those who are from the Country are strong and brave people who will stand up for their home.  Rosalind says to Jaques, "Disable all benefits of your own country, be out of love with your nativity, and almost chide God for making you the countenance you are"(37- 40).  She is telling him to be proud that he is from the forest, that he should use all the resources it has to to find good reason of why to be there.  That the Country has many benefits, and it is where he was born, and that he should take pride in being there to show all those who are in the Court, that he is a brave man, not a weak person from the Country.  Rosalind tells him that he should cherish every quality which he has because to her she sees a beautiful person.
Jaques and the Lords, mock the Country, by saying that they are so in tune with nature that they do not kill animals.  They go on to dressing themselves and foresters, and mocking those who live in the Country.  They even sing a song about it, and they have this stereotype that those who live in the Country, are but animal lovers who worship the nature.  Jaques says, "Have you no song, forester, for this purpose?"(4.3.6-7).  They mock those who are of the forest saying that only have petty songs, and that they sing for every occasion.  They make fun of those who feel that killing is wrong.  They feel that the Court is much more advanced because they have large cities, and big castles, and they eat plenty of meat.  They think that they are better because all those who are in exile are thrown to the Country.
Shakespeare has very few instances where he does use the theme of Country versus Court, but nonetheless he still puts in a little bit of it.  He shows that even through all that has happened the people on the Court are still just has stubborn and ignorant to the Country being a working society as in the beginning of the play.  

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

As You like is LRJ #3

Aaron Fernandez
Ms. Peifer 5th Hour
10IB English
March 15, 2009

In Act 3 Shakespeare places a strong emphases on Court versus Country he shows how people in the court feel about the people who live in the Country.  They see them as ill- mannered, and people who are of lesser value because they were not properly educated.  Even Touchstone who is the fool of the Court looks down upon those of the Country.  It is a important theme throughout the entire story.
Touchstone really has no idea that the people who do live in the country are very well mannered.  He tells Corin, "Why, if thou never wast at court, thou never saw'st good manners; if thou never saw'st good manners"(3.2.41-42).  Touchstone is saying that if a person has not grown up in the Court and has not been grown up by their ways then that means that thye have no manners, or are not well educated.  
Shakespeare also shows that the people who live in the Country are completely aware of what the Court thinks of them.  They people in the Country love how they live, and they also mock how the people in the Court live.  Corin says to Touchstone, "Those that are good manners at the Court are as ridiculous in the country as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the court"(3.2.45-48).  Corin shows what the Country point of view is.  They are more humble, and more accepting than the Court.  Corin proves to Touchstone, and to all those who live in the Court that they are very educated and that nature is something that is all around the world.  Corin proves that he can give an educated response, and he is very proud of being from the Country.  
The people in the Court and the Country and not that different form each other they just have different points of view about themselves, and mostly about each other, but in the end they are just as well educated, and mannered.  


As You Like It LRJ #2

Aaron Fernandez
Ms. Peifer
10IB English Hour 5
March 15, 2009

The Court versus Country is such an important theme throughout the entire story of As You Like It.  The whole story revolves around the characters having their home in either the Country or the Court.  The people who live in the court feel that they are more sophisticated, and that the people who live in the country are but savages, who are not nearly as intellectual.  On the contrary the people who live in the country feel that their lives are more calm, and they live a life that is purer, and and more revolved around nature.  They feel that it was the best decision in their lives to go to the forest, and be united with others who feel the same way.  Shakespeare uses this as a major theme because it explains why there is some controversy in the story.  The theme is that nature can also show  lessons that are needed in life, that school is not the only area were people can learn.     
The people who live in the forest have come to love it, if they were born in the forest they have so much pride in saying that they were born there.  The people who have come to the forest because of exile like Duke Frederick or because they chose to do so are also very satisfied with their new lifestyle.  Duke Frederick tells his friend Amiens, and other lords, "Are not these woods more free from peril that that of the envious court?"(2.1.3-4).  Duke Frederick states that he is much happier living in the woods, that there is so much greed, and unnecessary fighting in the court.  Duke Frederick likes being away from all the problems that the court cause, and he enjoys being able to make his own decisions, and living life to the fullest without the pressures of the big city or the court.  Then Duke Frederick goes on to say, "And this our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books, in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything"(2.1. 15-16).  He says that knowledge does not have to come from books or from a school, but that nature can teach the way of life, and it can show people what knowledge they need to know in order to succeed on life.  
The Court has an idea in their minds that all the people in the Country are savages who are ill- educated, and foul- mannered.  The Court sends those people who are exiled to the Country thinking that it is a bad thing but in reality, the people who are exiled find themselves enjoying it very much.  The people in the Court have a stereotype that the Country natives are savages, and that they are much less superior to those of the Court.  Orlando expresses this idea when he says to the Duke Frederick, "Speak you so gently? Pardon me, I pray you I thought that all things had been savage here"(2.7. 111-112).  The people in the Court have this idea that all people in the Country are bad and uneducated but they are actually kind, and sophisticated beings.  Court versus Country is a wide spread theme thought the entire story, it is a feud that affects many of the characters daily lives.  

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Macbeth LRJ #6

Aaron Fernandez
English 10IB
Ms. Peifer
March 4, 2009

1) Shakespeare asks the reader  is power and wealth, worth the morals and honor which one stands for.  Shakespeare asks the reader what consequences follow a man or woman after they have committed a wrong doing.  Macbeth starts off as a good person who follows what he believes to be right, and he know that murder is wrong.  He says, " Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, Against the use of nature?"(1.3. 141-143).  He is afraid of doing in wrong to anyone, and he doesn't want to gain power by killing.  Lady Macbeth is the woman who taunts Macbeth to tell him that he has to be a man, and do whatever he can in order to gain power.  She says, " And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would,' Like the poor cat i' the adage?"(1.7. 46-48).  Shakespeare wants the reader to realize that a person has to follow what he or she thinks is right and not to merely be persuaded to do something just because he or she is to weak to speak against it. 

2) Shakespeare answers that consequences will always follow the actions of a person.  Whether is was good or bad, there will be an after consequence.  Macbeth lost his beloved wife, and his kingdom, and at the end his life.  He was so caught up in murder that he was unable to stop, and every time he was opposed he would strike again.  Macbeth could never tell the truth so he lived a life of fear, and despair, he became paranoid of everything because he was so worried that he would be caught in a foul act.  Macbeth was so afraid that he had his closest friend murdered in order to assure his crown, and to proceed on living in his own lie.  Macbeth says, "Our fears in Banquo Stick deep; and in his royalty of nature Reigns that which would fear'd"(3.1. 50-52).  Macbeth was afraid of everything he became paranoid, and he even though that his most beloved friend would betray him.  Macbeth becomes very hollow and emotionless at the end of the play.  He has murdered so much that he has lost the respect of all, and he has lost all of his dignity and morals.  He is honor less by the end of the play, and he himself explains that he now fearless, that emotions such as sadness, and fear do not strike him anymore, he says, "I have supp'd full with horros; Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts Cannot once start me"(5.5. 14-16).  Macbeth is saying that things that once horrified him to even think about now do not scare him, being all that he has been through.  Macbeth has become shameful.  Shakespeare sends the message that emotions are good, and that all have conscience which should be followed in order to be on the right path.  Shakespeare writes that once we commit a wrong and do not repent we die a little bit inside, and our soul becomes a hollow are.  That consequences will always follow the wrong doings, and the people who cause problems in others lives.  Shakespeare's message is to live a honorable, and gracious life, and to follow the conscience which everyone has. 

Macbeth LRJ #5

Aaron Fernandez
10IB English
Ms. Peifer
March 4, 2009

1) A theme that Shakespeare makes very evident is that nothing good comes from committing sin.  That eventually the consequences will catch up to the sinner, and they will have to pay the price for their actions.  Lady Macbeth was a very strong woman, with a stern point of view, and she was very brave, but in the end all the murder that her and her husband committed was to much for her to take in, and she started to sleep walk.  She says in her sleep, " Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!"(5.1. 45-47).  Lady Macbeth has completely become insane she is now sleep walking, and expressing that there is nothing in this world that could clean her hands of the wrong she has done and all the bloodshed.  Shakespeare emphasizes to not commit sin, because at one point in life it will catch up to the sinner.  Shakespeare brings another theme to act five which is the act of sin is so strong that it can take away our souls, and emotions.  That a person who can have the heart to murder so many people, and kill without ever feeling remorse, will lose their soul, and become mindless of their surroundings.  Macbeth is saying to Sayton, " I have almost forgot the taste of fears; The time has been"( 5.5. 9- 10) Macbeth is explaining that the emotion of fear is not in his vocabulary anymore.  He has killed so much, and he has constantly committed wrong acts, that his soul is empty now, and he is full of misery.  Shakespeare's theme is to led the reader in the right path, and to explain that murder is incorrect and it will only destroy the mental state of being of a human.

2) Sleep is a important image pattern in Act five.  Lady Macbeth has not been able to sleep, and she sleep walks because she is so full of despair.  When she is awake she is afraid of saying the truth, but when she is asleep.  Macbeth at the beginning of the story after he has killed Duncan he says that he has murdered sleep, and that he will never sleep again because he disrupted someones sleep.  Lady Macbeth's sleep has now been disturbed.  The doctor tells the Gentlewoman, "This disease is beyond my practise: yet I have known those which have walked in their sleep who have died holily in their beds"(5.1. 59- 61).  The Doctor, and people around her are realizing that she has done, and that her sleep has been disrupted.  Sleep is a big image pattern throughout the story because so many characters are deprived of it.  

martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

Macbeth LRJ#4

Aaron Fernandez
10 IB English
Ms. Peifer
March 3, 2009

1) Lady Macduff shows how women were portrayed as the stereotypical woman.  She shows her love for her family, but also that she is a weak woman, and that is what the woman are supposed to be like.  The importance of having her in the Act is to show what a woman's role was in society, and how some women followed that role like Lady Macduff, but others didn't like Lady Macbeth.  First she tells Ross that her husband does not care about his family when she says, "He loves us not, he wants the natural touch"(4.2. 8-9).  She explains here that her husband does not love his family because he left them in the castle alone without protection.  The relationship she has with her son is a close bond, they taunt each other.  The son tells the mother in a playful manner, "If he were dead, you'd weep for him; if you would not, it were a good sing that I should quickly have a new father"(4.2. 62-64).  They have a close relationship, and that is what this quote shows.  The portrayal of a woman's strength is also seen in this act.  Lady Macduff says, "Why then, alas, Do I put up that womanly defense To say I have done no harm?"(4.2. 79- 81).  She is saying here that she will not be harmed because she is a woman, and they do not commit anything bad because of their small strength. 

2) Macduff is a very honest and noble man.  He shows his internal views on the subject concerning Macbeth, and his crowning.  Macduff is very uneasy about how Macbeth came about to being crowned, and how he has ruined Scotland.  Macduff says, "Of horrid hell can come a devil more damned In evils to top Macbeth"(4.3. 57- 58).  Macduff says that not even demons can compare to how bad of a person Macbeth is, and that he has brought en Scotland to its knees.  Macduff expresses his complete mistrust, and despise for Macbeth in this one line.  

3) Macbeth has become completely insane.  He has gone to the witches, and relies on their prophecies, and Macbeth demands to know the answer.  He has lost all his honor form the Act 1, and now there is no one who worships him.  Macbeth tells the witches, "Even till destruction sicken, answer me To what I ask you" (4.3. 60- 61).  He now demands information, and he is not innocent anymore he now relies on their prophecies to rule his life.  Now Macbeth is making all the murder operations and plans, Lady Macbeth is not even consulted anymore.  Macbeth has no problem with murder anymore or innocents, he is fine with doing what he needs to do to kill all who oppose him.  Macbeth says his plan, "The castle of Macduff I will surprise..... His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line" (4.2. 150- 153).  He is making all the plans, and he has lost all sanity of the difference between right and wrong.  Macbeth has now only worried about himself, and what he can do to save his title as king.   

Macbeth LRJ #3

Aaron Fernandez
10IB English
Ms. Peifer
March 3, 2009

1) Macbeth has changes a lot now, after he murdered Duncan, he has become jealous of Banquo because his children will become the kings, and not him.  Macbeth finds himself murdering people for his own personal gain, and he is doing it subconsciously.  He speaks to himself and says, " Given to the common enemy of man To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings"(3.1 .70 -71).  Macbeth does not feel that remorse he should have for ordering murders to assassinate his closest friend.  He does not have that conscience, and self- pride that he had in Act 1 and 2.  Now Macbeth sees ghosts, and he is mortified.  He realizes that he killed his friend, but he didn't expect him to rise from the dead, Macbeth says, "That, when the brains were out, the man would die, And there an end: but now they rise again"(3.4. 80- 81).  He has become very paranoid and afraid of what the consequences will be because he has made murder such a habit.
Lady Macbeth has let go of some of the power of the operation of claiming the throne.  Macbeth tells her, "Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed"(3.3. 48- 49).  She has lost a little bit of power in the whole operation, and Macbeth is now starting to make his own plans.  He tells her to be innocent of the whole scheme and to stand in the background, that she shouldn't worry about it.  Lady Macbeth still does try and keep Macbeth together, she tries to calm him down when he is in mental distress.  She still insults him, but that is her way of calming him down, and making him do what she wants him to do.  Lady Macbeth says, "Why do you make such faces? When all's done, You look but on a stool"(3.4. 67- 68).  Lady Macbeth keeps her outer appearance of being tough, and strong through this act, and lies in order to save Macbeth, and her for being suspected or committing the murder.    

2)Death is a huge image pattern in Act 3, Macbeth has just killed his best friend because of jealousy, and hours later he saw his ghost.  Macbeth has made it a habit to kill whoever he thinks is going to be threat to his coronation and Thane of Cawdor.  Macbeth says to his wife, "Ay, and since too, murders have been performed Too terrible for the ear.  The time has been performed Too terrible for the ear"(3.4. 78- 79).  Macbeth describes the murder that was done to his old friend Banquo.  Later on he describes how now he has come back to life even though he is supposed to be dead.  

3)The theme which Shakespeare presents it to not let jealousy led your actions.  That a human must trust in other people in order to live a healthy life.  Shakespeare shows this by having one man kill his closest friend, and in doing so becomes crazy, and paranoid.  Macbeth says, "We have scorched the snake, not killed it"(3.2. 15).  Macbeth has become paranoid and that was started off by his jealousy of Banquo, and his fear of being caught.  Shakespeare's theme is that not to let jealousy or fear control someones actions, to know the difference between right and wrong   

Macbeth LRJ# 2

Aaron Fernandez
10IB English
Ms. Peifer
March 3, 2009

1) Macbeth is innocent in the beginning of the second act.  He is afraid of murdering somebody, and he still does it, he regrets killing Duncan, but at the same time he does it because his wife told him that he would be less of a man if he didn't do so.  After Macbeth has killed Duncan he tells his wife, "Lis'ning their fear, I could not say 'Amen' When they did say 'God bless us'"(2.2. 32-33).  This is a positive quality about Macbeth that he does know what is right and what is wrong, and he realizes it.  He is able to except what was in the past.  The negative qualities of Macbeth are that he is very easily persuaded to do things.  Event though he knows what is wrong and what is right he still does the wrong thing, and he does not see the downfall in his plans until after they are done.  He speaks to his wife after he kills Duncan and says, "' Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more; Macbeth shall sleep no more"'( 2.2. 46- 47).  Macbeth feels awful about what he did, but nothing can take away that he has committed murder.  He was persuaded to do so, and he is not strong enough of a individual in order to think for himself about his own actions.

2) Lady Macbeth is a strong willed woman, who comforts Macbeth when he commits the murder.  She is the one who is running the operation.  She tells Macbeth, "These deeds must not be thought After these ways; so, it will make us mad"( 2.2. 37- 38).  She tells Macbeth that he shouldn't worry about anything, that they will go crazy thinking about it.  The positive qualities she has is that she is very persuasive, and strong.  The negative parts is that she forces Macbeth to do bad things.  She also convinces him to do bad things by doubting his manhood.  She tells Macbeth, " 'Tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil"(2.2. 58-59).  She mocks him in order for Macbeth to do what she wants him to do.

3) Sleep a large image pattern in Act two.  Macbeth, "' Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep'"( 2.2. 39-40).  When Duncan is sleeping that is when he is killed.  Macbeth feels like he will never sleep again because he disrupted someone's sleep.  Macbeth is haunted by the fact that he killed someone.  The importance of this quote was to show when Macbeth killed Duncan, and that Macbeth feels awful about what he has done. 

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

Macbeth LRJ #1

Aaron Fernandez
10 IB English
Ms. Peifer
March 3 ,2009

1) The first impressions of Macbeth was that he is a very well respected, and self prideful man. "For brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name- Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel"
( 1.2. 16- 17).  He is seen as a very highly known a great and brave warrior who kills everyone in in his sight during battle. He had a conscience that murder was wrong, and that he would never so it even though he would go to war, and kill many people.  "If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair"( 1.3. 135- 136).  He is afraid of killing others in order fro personal gain, and that he will never do that just the thought scares him.  
Lady Macbeth is a strong woman, who appears to everyone as a nice, and kind woman, but she knows inside that she is very brave, and cunning.  "Look like th'innocent flower, But be the serpent under't"( 1.6. 65-66).  She is telling herself that to look like a different person, and that inside she will be strong and cunning.  She also taunts Macbeth to be a man and that he should not be a coward.  "And live a coward in thine own esteem" ( 1.7. 44).  She is telling Macbeth to be a man, that he will only be a greater man if he becomes Thane of Cawdor, and kills Duncan.
Banquo portrays himself to the witches as a little bit jealous because he is not worshiped like Macbeth is.  He says to the witches, "That he seems rapt withal To me you speak not"( 1.3. 57).  He is jealous that Macbeth will became the Thane of Cawdor.  He does find relief when he hears that his children will become the Thanes after their deaths.  He comforts Macbeth, and tries to keep his own uneasiness unknown.  

2) A theme is Act 1 is morality, that how everyone should have a sense of morals and not be persuaded to stray from them because of someone else.  Macbeth is afraid of murdering but yet he is persuaded bu Lady Macbeth that he should kill Duncan.  Macbeth finally agrees to it but he is afraid of the consequences.  Lady Macbeth tells him, "Art thou afeard To be the same thine own act and valor A thou art desire?( 1.7. 40- 42) Lady Macbeth completely changes Macbeth's mind by saying he is lesser of a man.  Macbeth in return strayed from his morals, and was convinced to work against them.

3) "Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valor's minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave"( 1.2. 17- 20).  This quote describes how good of a warrior Macbeth is.  It is striking because later on in the story Macbeth reveals that he is devastated of murdering somebody, especially in their sleep.  The quote shows how well respected he is, and how he kills everyone in his trail.  His sword was full of blood, and he carved out his passage so he would just constantly be killing people in this battle.  There was so much bloodshed that his sword was covered in blood. 

domingo, 22 de febrero de 2009

Sonnet 55

Not marble, nor the gilded monuments
Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rime;
But you shall shine more bright in these contents
Than unswept stone, besmear’d with sluttish time.
When wasteful war shall statues overturn,
And broils root out the work of masonry,
Nor Mars his sword nor war’s quick fire shall burn
The living record of your memory.
’Gainst death and all-oblivious enmity
Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room
Even in the eyes of all posterity
That wear this world out to the ending doom.
So, till the judgment that yourself arise,
You live in this, and dwell in lovers’ eyes.

The Author William Shakespeare writes about love, and the theme of the poem is the natural beauty of the art of poetry, and how it potrayes love. He shows how through good or bad it will still be a daily part of our lives, and nothing can ever stop one human from loving another human unless they choose to do so. Shakespeare says that no matter how strong a force is it can never tear down the power of love because it will always be in the hearts of people. Shakespeare uses iambic pentameter, mood, point-of- view to potray his idea toward love.
Shakespeare starts by saying that no matter how powerful someone is or how strong a monument is, it can never compare to how strong love is to humans. "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments. Of princes, shall outlive his powerful rime;"(Shakespeare, 1-2). Shakespeare throught the sonnet he explains that love can not be stopped by one human being, that no one is strong enough to take it away from others. No man made or natural building can ever take away that feeling that one has for another. Shakespeare uses iambic pentameter throught the entire sonnet to stress the second lines. He uses a rhyming scheme to keep the reader interested. This small quote sets up what Shakespeare is taking about in the entire sonnet, that nothing will ever bring down love for others. The Shakespeare writes, "No Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burn The living record of your memory"(Shakespeare, 7-8). He once again reinforces that love is so strong that not even the god of war Mars, with all his might can bring it down, not even the most powerful of beings can stop love.
Shakespeare is very emotional about the idea of love, he states that it is a part of his life and that it is never old and it never grows old. That everyone does feel it and time shouldn't affect how one loves another. He writes " But you shall shine more bright in these contents That unswept stone, besmear 'd with sluttish time"(Shakespeare, 3-4). He really expresses how time is an unaffecting element to love. The author shows his mood as a happy, and a sure that love will last forever. When he writes that love will shine more than princes, and marble buildings. That love will last longer than that, and that love will leave greater mark on the world than anything else to mankind. Then Shakespeare writes, " 'Gainst death and all- oblivious enmity Shall you pace forth; your praise shall still find room" (Shakespeare, 9- 10). The author says that through all obstacles love will proceed to be a part of a lover's life. That it will still be practiced by all no matter what happens in the world. Shakespeare's mood proceeds to be hopeful, and sure that his idea of love will be true for the rest of eternity.
Shakespeare has a happy point of view towards love, he expresses how he knows that it will last until the end of time. He believes that everyone at one point in their lives has the feeling of love, and that it can never be taken away by anybody unless we choose to do so. Shakespeare writes, " So, till the judgment that yourself arise, You live in this, and dwell in lovers' eyes" (Shakespeare, 13- 14). He writes that love can only be decided by the person who is feeling it, others can't make the decision for someone else to love. That love resides in a lover's feelings, and that is where it will remain for all people.  
Shakespeare believes that love will always be around, his purpose was to show how strong the bond of love is to a human being, and how that bond can not be broken. Shakespeare is sure that love people have towards others will never die, and it will thrive until the end of time.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

El Viaje to El Paso, TX

I went to El Paso, Texas for winter break, and I saw all of my family on my dad and mom's side.  On Christmas Eve I spent the time with my mom's side, and being of Mexican Heritage I had about six bowls of Menudo and they were delicious.  Then I had about seven different pieces of pie, and six breads of my choice.  Then I topped all off with some tamarindo and candy canes. Then my Tio Turi showed me how to drive, but my mom is unaware of that little part of my vacation.  So I guess I beat her this time (chuckle).
Then on Christmas Day I went with my dads side (which by the way he has ten siblings and only one bathroom imagine that), and then I had a quick mass because we are all Catholic and my uncle is a priest.  Then I pigged out for the second time.  I ate tamales, enchiladas, nachos, pan dulce,  a lot of soda, menudo, and some cake.  I really wasn't feeling good later that night, so I had to drink some Pepto- Bismol and everything became OK.  The next couple of days I just saw all my family then I saw the Dallas Cowboys take a disappointing loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, I was very depressed that night I almost cried myself to sleep.  
The night before I came back to the freezing cold of Minnesota (which I despise) I went to Juarez to visit some of my family and we had loud music and a pinata which by the way I had accumulated the most candy that anybody else.  The next day I came back to Minnesota (depressed), and I was pretty angry the whole trip, except when I was eating some cotton candy (which I stole from my sister's purse).  That was my winter break to El Paso Texas and I can almost assure you it was better than everyone elses (Once again I chuckle).

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009


Aaron Fernandez
10 IB Ms. Peifer
8 January 2009
Inferno Commentary
"'I was still new to this estate of tears when a Mighty One descended here among us, crowned with the sing of His victorious years.  He took from us the shade of our first parent, of Abel, his pure son, of ancient Noah, of Moses, the bringer of law, the obedient.  Father Abraham, David the King, Israel with his father and his children, Rachel, the holy vessel of His blessing, and many more He chose elevation among the elect. And before these, you must know, no human soul had ever won salvation." We had not paused as he spoke, but held our road and passed meanwhile beyond a press of souls crowded about like trees in a thick wood.  And we had not traveled far from where I woke when I made out a radiance before us that struck away a hemisphere of dark"(Dante, 52-69).
This passage is significant because it shows that Dante has a sense of religion and he gives the chronology of the ancestors of Jesus Christ.  He also writes that no man had won had won salvation until there were these God elected people.  The theme in this passage is the fact that we need something to believe in that takes away our suffering and brings light to the world in his case God.  An emotional component is the way he expresses his religion and that he does believe in God.  He believes that there would be no light without him. 
An important literary device in this context is motif in this case the word "His or He."  Dante refers to God when he uses these pronouns, he tries to explain that he is the all powerful and that he can take what he gives to humans.  "He took from us the shade of our first parent, of Abel, his pure son, of ancient Noah, of Moses, the bringer of law, the obedient" (55-57).  Dante shows that he (God) choose these people to proclaim his word and to have others follow, and before them there was nothing.  That God is the almighty and that he is the one that helps humans bring light to the world.  Dante shows here why he is going through with going to Hell that he believes there is a better place that he is meant to be in, and that he wants to be there. "We had not paused as he spoke, but held our road and passed meanwhile beyond a press of souls crowded about like trees in a thick wood" (64-66).  Dante isn't afraid and he just listens to what his guide is telling him to do and even though he is scared he keeps on going.  He notices all the souls that are suffering and that they want to get out of Hell but cannot because they have to do their penance.
Point- of - view is another literary device that is used in this text.  "And we had not traveled far from where I woke when I made out a radiance before us that struck away a hemisphere of dark" (67-69).  Dante writes here that he believes that God takes away the darkness in the world and he shares that with his readers.  He writes what he believes to be real and writes about it.  This is a big part of the story as a whole because it shows why Dante quotes or refers to the Bible or to God so much in this story.  This literary device is important because it tells the reader where he is coming from and what his views are of the situation at hand.  

Dante uses another literary device which is a simile in the quote, "We had not paused as he spoke, but held our road and passed meanwhile beyond a press of souls crowded about like trees in a thick wood" (64- 66). Similes are important to the story because they make them easier to understand and the reader can find a common theme or idea with the author.  Dante described that the souls were all closely together with very little room to move, and it is like woods with a lot of trees.  That the souls were to close together to move around.

The reason to choose this specific passage is to really notice where Dante is coming from and why he refers to God and the Bible so many times in the Inferno.  The whole story revolves around God and Hell, and what happens if humans cause chaos on the Earth.  This passage brings to a realization what the story really means to Dante, and brings his point of view forth.

MacAllister, Archibald T. Inferno. Trans. John Ciardi. New York: Signet Classics, 2001.