Ms. Peifer 5th Hour
10IB English
March 15, 2009
In Act 3 Shakespeare places a strong emphases on Court versus Country he shows how people in the court feel about the people who live in the Country. They see them as ill- mannered, and people who are of lesser value because they were not properly educated. Even Touchstone who is the fool of the Court looks down upon those of the Country. It is a important theme throughout the entire story.
Touchstone really has no idea that the people who do live in the country are very well mannered. He tells Corin, "Why, if thou never wast at court, thou never saw'st good manners; if thou never saw'st good manners"(3.2.41-42). Touchstone is saying that if a person has not grown up in the Court and has not been grown up by their ways then that means that thye have no manners, or are not well educated.
Shakespeare also shows that the people who live in the Country are completely aware of what the Court thinks of them. They people in the Country love how they live, and they also mock how the people in the Court live. Corin says to Touchstone, "Those that are good manners at the Court are as ridiculous in the country as the behavior of the country is most mockable at the court"(3.2.45-48). Corin shows what the Country point of view is. They are more humble, and more accepting than the Court. Corin proves to Touchstone, and to all those who live in the Court that they are very educated and that nature is something that is all around the world. Corin proves that he can give an educated response, and he is very proud of being from the Country.
The people in the Court and the Country and not that different form each other they just have different points of view about themselves, and mostly about each other, but in the end they are just as well educated, and mannered.
1 comentario:
I am not a big fan of shakespeare but yes I do agree that people have different point of view of things but all are same across the globe
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